Case Report: Children At Devon Primary School Instructed To Show Support For Transgenderism
More indoctrination, more danger.
Project Stark has uncovered photographs of drawings by children aged 5 to 11 from a UK primary school, depicting transgender advocacy.
The school is located in Exeter, Devon, where they help children “develop a strong love of learning and an ability to think independently, critically and creatively”.
On the ‘Rainbow Flag’ section of their website, a statement reads:
“Ide Primary School is proud to say that we are now holders of the Rainbow Flag Award! This makes us the first Primary School in all of Devon and Cornwall to hold the award. Representatives from the award came to deliver our certificate and giant rainbow flag in a special assembly and we will be displaying these proudly in school. We want to say a huge thank you and well done to all of the staff, students and family members who have provided so much support during the process. We wouldn’t be here without the hard work and commitment of the entire school community.”
Accompanying the latter are a number of pictures:
They also feature two books children attending the school have presumptively read:
This is part of an effort to encourage “LGBT+ inclusion”, they say “as well as developing strategies to effectively challenge and combat LGBTphobic bullying.”
Alice Purcell, Headteacher of Ide, describes the primary school as a “caring, happy and friendly atmosphere that nurtures every individual child and enables them to meet their maximum potential in each area of their growth and development.”
It appears, however, that Purcell’s policies do not address “areas of growth” that potentially expose children to harm through the endorsement of partisan gender theory education.
It is a terribly kept secret that early integration of gender theory in classrooms has led to a number of children being referred to the disgraced Tavistock Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS).
The very clinic that is set to close this month after an independent review identified a significant lack of evidence, consensus, and open dialogue regarding gender dysphoria and its clinical treatments.
Then there are legal duties set out in Section 406 and Section 407 of the Education Act 1996, which Purcell looks to wholly ignore. Per existing statutory requirements, schools are forbidden from promoting partisan political views without a balanced presentation of the opposing views.
Ide Primary School's website contains no critique of transgender ideology. Something that makes sense given that they signpost website visitors to the most radical transgender charity and pressure groups operating in the UK:
Certain members of these groups support underage (below 18-years-old) gender transitions, including surgery.
Do the parents of Ide Primary School’s 5 to 11-year-old students know their school is pushing partisan gender ideology on their children?
Did they have any say in it?
Does this constitute impartial teaching?
Is it suitable for a primary school, where students' minds are far from fully developed, to celebrate sexuality or, for that matter, a deeply political ideology?
couldn't agree more. the good news for now is that the uk has just banned puberty blockers for those under 18 so it's a step in the right direction 🤞
Please conatct us @ProtectTeach we are in Devon and looking at these schools, this is one we have a particular interest. Would love to share info.